In our view, political and economic changes require a differentiated approach. Within that context, Nieuw Geneco is committed to safeguarding, strengthening and promoting the position of composers within the current field of influence. However, we also advocate new future opportunities. For example, we want to proactively respond to new policy and future (political) developments and we are on the lookout for opportunities to bring the practice of composers to the attention of politicians, governments and funds. In addition to lobbying, we also seek new ways of involving enthusiasts in new music and developing supplementary support structures.
In line with the cornerstones agreed upon by the General Membership Meeting (lobbying and advocacy; funding flows; profiling and vocational support), we harbour the following ambitions for the coming period.
Improving the position of composers
First of all, we would like to help strengthen the position of composers in the current grant system and protect copyrights. This requires strong lobbying and advocacy work within politics, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Performing Arts Fund NL, Buma/Stemra and international organisations. With regard to copyrights, this concerns safeguarding, strengthening and promoting the position of composers of ‘serious music’, who operate in the non-profit sector, compared to the dominant (commercial) entertainment industry.
We stand up for these interests. Therefore, if the Toeslag Ernstig (Surcharge Serious), the provision used for supporting activities in the Serious Music category, comes under threat, we will take action. If the self-employed person’s relief is in danger of disappearing, we will fight against this together with other partners in the creative industry. If the Performing Arts Fund NL amends the composition regulations, Nieuw Geneco will naturally be a consultation partner on behalf of composers.
In addition to lobbying behind the scene, Nieuw Geneco seeks public debate, together with its members, in order to bring about an understanding of the value of new music and the practice of composing. We also like to promote how composition actually has a stimulating and inspiring effect on music education.
Innovating and sector-wide cooperation
Nieuw Geneco strives to pool resources in the music world, in order to communicate the interests of a blossoming and varied music scene to the general public and the world of politics to maximum effect. Take for example the sector-wide creation of different funding flows, alternative performance spaces and innovative formulas in order to reach a new audience.
New funding flows
Nieuw Geneco advocates more commissions, performance opportunities and a broader revenue stream. First of all, this is achieved by also stimulating specific funding arrangements at different cultural and donor-advised funds, in addition to the grant opportunities of the Performing Arts Fund NL. But this is also achieved by stimulating commissioning from private individuals, organisations and companies in relation to specific moments and occasions, as well as for autonomous work.
We are researching the possibilities of a sponsorship for composed work. In our view, this involves a sponsorship model that not only calls on people to give money, but which also calls for actual involvement and ‘part-ownership’ from music lovers in the process of making, performing and disseminating interesting work.
Greater visibility and image improvement
In addition, Nieuw Geneco wants to contribute to image improvement. For example, we successfully pleaded for the appointment of the Componist des Vaderlands (Dutch National Composer) by Buma Cultuur. This gives a recognisable face to the unique craft and the spirit of composition today.
Improving the professional practice
In connection with the above, Nieuw Geneco supports its members through stimulating knowledge exchange and training, service in terms of model contracts, guidelines for fees, as well as offering member benefits and privileges.