Nominations announced for the Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award 2022
The ceremony has been moved to 15 October, Amare - The Hague
On 1 September, the jury announced the shortlist for the New Geneco Fair Practice Award 2022. Nominees are:
Collegium Utrecht
Gaudeamus Festival
Nederlands Pijpersgilde
Opera Zuid
Oranjewoud Festival
Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest
Nieuw Geneco, the Dutch Society for Composers, will announce the winner and present the Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award for the third time on Saturday afternoon, 15 October 2022. With the presentation of the Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award, Nieuw Geneco focuses on fair practice, fee guidelines and good commissioning practices in new music. Good examples are honoured. Composers have made a motivated nomination based on their experience with a Fair Practice commission. The jury drew up this shortlist.
The Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award was previously awarded to Orgelpark, Fie Schouten (Basklarinet festival), Orkest De Ereprijs and Marcia (Zembla Music/Steun de componist).
Fair Practice Award Composition assignment consists of the composition/video ‘Side by side’ with music, text and image made by composer David Dramm. Performed by Diamanda La Berge Dramm and Nora Fischer.
Would you like to be present at the ceremony? Then you can register via this link More info
Fair Practice Code Compositieopdracht
Honorariumtabel Compositieopdracht
Side by Side Composition Fair Practice Composition Award
The Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award is made possible by the Dutch Performing Arts Fund.
The Composition Fee Table of Nieuw Geneco (Nieuw Genootschap Nederlandse Componisten) is supported by BIM (Beroepsvereniging van Improviserende Musici), BAM! (Beroepsvereniging voor Auteur-Muzikanten), VCTN (Vereniging Componisten en Tekstdichters) and the VMN (Vereniging voor Muziekhandelaren en -Uitgevers Nederland). The New Geneco Fair Practice Code Composition assignment is in line with the Fair Practice Code of Kunsten ’92.
The jury of the Nieuw Geneco Fair Practice Award 2022 consists of Davo van Peursen (chairman Music Traders and Publishers Association), Karmit Fadael (composer and chairman Nieuw Geneco Young), David Dramm (composer and vice-chairman Nieuw Geneco).
The criteria according to the New Geneco Fair Practice Code are:
- fair payment for commissioned compositions;
- respect for copyrights; clear communication and agreements, also in times of pandemic;
- free artistic space for composers;
- sustainable development of audience, repertoire and playing opportunities a special impact on the Dutch music life and composers.