28th may 2024: Screening New Music NOW Files: Five composers // five filmmakers // five music films

During the public portion of the General Members' Meeting on May 28, 2024, there will be a screening of 5 short films from the project "New Music NOW Files."

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 | 19:30 – 21:30 | Grond Amsterdam

Screening New Music NOW Files:

Five composers // five filmmakers // five music films

In five short music films, five Dutch composers and filmmakers invite you to experience the world through their eyes and ears. Discover how they set the senses in motion. During the pandemic, the music platform New Music NOW commissioned as many as 46 new compositions and audiovisual productions. A selection of five short music films will be presented at Grond. There will be Q&As with the composers and filmmakers led by composer/presenter Remy Alexander.

Here is a link to the registration form.

Film Program:

  • Vanitas vanitatum – Bram Kortekaas
  • The room of the Minotaur – Corrie van Binsbergen
  • Distorted Reality – Danny de Graan
  • De rijke bramenplukker – Sylvia Maessen
  • Slow Roads – Ivan Vukosavljević

Interviews led by Remy Alexander with:

  • Bram Kortekaas
  • Corrie van Binsbergen and Martijn Grootendorst, filmmaker
  • Danny de Graan
  • Sylvia Maessen and Frank Groothof, narrator, actor/theater maker
  • Ivan Vukosavljević and Tineke Steenbrink, organist, harpsichordist

Under the title New Music NOW Files, 46 new compositions and audiovisual productions have been created. The Files are an initiative of New Music NOW. The project has been made possible by Buma Cultuur, the Ministry of OCW, and the Cultuurfonds.