Call for works for ISCM World New Music Days 2021

September 17 – 25, 2021

Graag roepen we je op werk in te zenden voor de The International Society for Contemporary Music World New Music Days, in Shanghai en Nanning, China.

The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) World New Music Days 2021 vinden plaats in Shanghai en Nanning van September 17 – 25, 2021.

Een jury zal 6 werken kiezen voor de Nederlandse inzending. De aanmelding daarvoor moet uiterlijk 21 februari 2021 door Nieuw Geneco ontvangen zijn. De keuze van de Nederlandse jury zal begin maart bekendgemaakt worden. Vervolgens bepaalt een internationale jury de definitieve selectie. Informatie hierover volgt.

Stuur je materiaal naar: (via wetransfer). Nadere informatie over instrumentatie etc. is hier te vinden.

Let op: Nieuw Geneco kan alleen inzendingen in behandeling nemen, waarbij ALLE door ISCM gevraagde informatie is meegestuurd. Het heeft geen zin om werken in te sturen die niet voldoen aan de gevraagde duur, bezetting of categorie.

Graag ook melden in welke categorie het werk past.



Priority will be given to works within the recommended duration for each category. Furthermore, priority will be given to works written since 2012. Only one work per composer may be submitted, by either Individual submission or Official submission.

By submitting works to this Call, composers are agreeing that if their work is selected for performance/presentation, they automatically grant permission for the ISCM performance/presentation of their work to be recorded, broadcast, and streamed from the website without additional financial liability to the ISCM or the Festival Organizers.


Information required for each Work to be submitted is:

  1. The composer’s personal and contact information: Given names; Family name; Name as it should appear in the programme; Date of birth; full Mailing address; Gender; Phone number; email address; and website (if applicable).
  2. Work information: Title; Submission Category; Accurate duration; Year of composition; Statement of whether the work has been previously performed.
  3. The score (.pdf document preferred), or audio/video documentation if the work does not have a written score – as described in the Work Categories.
  4. An audio or video recording of the work (if available).
  5. Programme notes for the submitted work in English (maximum 100 words).
  6. Technical rider specifying all equipment necessary to perform the work.
  7. Short biography of the composer in English (maximum 100 words).
  8. High-resolution digital photograph of the composer.